Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: Microsoft Azure

  • Fluent Bit and Kata Containers on Azure Kubernetes Service

    In the past, I have written two blog posts about how to run untrusted workloads on Azure Kubernetes Service. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-gvisor-on-azure-kubernetes-service-for-sandboxing-containers/ -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/using-kata-containers-on-azure-kubernetes-service-for-sandboxing-containers/ Today, I walk you through how you gather log data of an untrusted workload isolated by Kata Containers with Fluent Bit. When you hear isolated, it always comes to mind that only…

  • Running Fluent Bit on Azure Linux in Azure Kubernetes Service

    In May this year, Microsoft announced the general availability of the Azure Linux support in Azure Kubernetes Service. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/generally-available-azure-linux-support-in-aks/?WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5000119 -> https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/linux-and-open-source-blog/introducing-the-azure-linux-container-host-for-aks/ba-p/3824101?WT.mc_id=AZ-MVP-5000119 Azure Linux is Microsoft’s Linux distribution of CBL-Mariner. -> https://github.com/microsoft/CBL-Mariner You can choose now between using Ubuntu or Azure Linux as the host operating system for your node pools in Azure Kubernetes Service,…

  • Azure Load Testing news

    I have been using Azure Load Testing for my Azure Chaos Studio demos for a while now. The service provides an on-demand infrastructure to run your load tests as a managed service. Recently, the service received some significant updates I like to share with you. The first update targets the test duration. Previously limited to…

  • How to not block Terraform with Azure resource locks

    Azure resource locks are an essential building block protecting Azure resources from accidental deletion or modifications. In today’s blog post, I show you how to use Azure resource locks to protect your Azure resources and how to not block your Terraform infrastructure as code processes. Common setup and the Terraform issue Resources in Azure inherit…

  • Azure Kubernetes Service news from KubeCon Europe 2023

    Last month the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe took place in Amsterdam with a lot of news regarding Azure Kubernetes Service. Let us now walk through some of the highlights that have been announced for Azure Kubernetes Service. A lot of networking news has been made at KubeCon Europe. Starting with the general availability of the…

  • Using Kata Containers on Azure Kubernetes Service for sandboxing containers

    Last year I wrote a blog post about running gVisor on Azure Kubernetes for sandboxing containers. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/running-gvisor-on-azure-kubernetes-service-for-sandboxing-containers/ Back then, the only managed Kubernetes service that supported sandboxing containers in dedicated node pools was Google Kubernetes Engine via gVisor. A few weeks back, Microsoft announced the public preview of Kata Containers for Azure Kubernetes Service.…

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