Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Tag: IaaS

  • Deploy the update management solution through an Azure Resource Manager template

    In my last blog article, I talked about the update management solution in Azure and what the capabilities are. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/keeping-azure-vms-date-update-management-solution/ Today we will have a look on how to deploy the update management solution through an Azure Resource Manager template. All what we need is to define the following Azure services in the template.…

  • Keeping your Azure VMs up-to-date with the update management solution

    Based on the Azure services Log Analytics and Azure Automation you can use three new capabilities in the Azure portal for your Azure VMs: inventory, change tracking, and update management. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/update-management-inventory-and-change-tracking-are-available-in-azure-automation/ In this blog article I will talk about the update management solution. If you are familiar with Log Analytics and its former update…

  • Adding value to your DevTest Labs users with additional Azure services

    If you are working with Azure DevTest Labs you already know that all the nice things are built around to provide a test environment for Azure IaaS VMs. So far so good, but what can you do to provide your DevTest Labs users with access to PaaS services? Azure DevTest Labs got you covered with…

  • Deploy NSG augmented security rules with Azure Resource Manager templates

    In my previous blog post “Working with NSG augmented security rules in Azure” I described what the NSG augmented security rules are and how you can leverage them with PowerShell. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/working-nsg-augmented-security-rules-azure/ In this blog post I will briefly describe how to implement the augmented security rules in your Azure Resource Manager template. First, let…

  • Working with NSG augmented security rules in Azure

    At Microsoft Ignite this year Microsoft has announced several networking improvements and features in Azure. Most of them are currently in public preview and can be tested like the augmented security rules for NSGs in Azure. -> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/public-preview-features-for-nsgs/ What are augmented security rules? In short, they extend the rule set, so you can specify more…

  • Deploying a Kubernetes cluster on Azure Germany via acs-engine

    Currently the Azure Container Service is not available in one of the regions of Azure Germany, that supports you creating an Kubernetes cluster in an easy way. But do not be afraid. There is a handy tool called the Azure Container Service Engine or short acs-engine available on GitHub to generate the necessary ARM templates…

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