Daniel's Tech Blog

Cloud Computing, Cloud Native & Kubernetes

Month: May 2017

  • Using Azure Backup with ADE protected VMs in Azure Germany

    Yesterday I have written a blog post about the availability of ASR and Azure Backup in Azure Germany. -> https://www.danielstechblog.io/azure-backup-azure-site-recovery-available-azure-germany/ Today I would like to share some information with you about using Azure Backup with Azure Disk Encryption protected VMs. If you start right away deploying a Recovery Services vault and protecting your VMs, then…

  • Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery available in Azure Germany

    Since today the Recovery Services vault for Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery is available in Azure Germany. -> https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/azuregermany/2017/05/04/azure-backup-and-site-recovery-verfugbar-available-in-azure-germany/ Just hit the Azure Marketplace in Azure Germany select the Monitoring + Management section and select Backup and Site Recovery (OMS). Select your favorite region Germany Central or Germany Northeast and deploy the Recovery Services…

  • Using Veeam FastSCP with Azure VMs and self-signed certificates

    When working with Azure VMs you have several options to copy files into your VMs. One tool I really like is Veeam FastSCP, because my Azure VMs are just dev / test machines and are neither part of an Active Directory nor I have a VPN connection with the my Azure Virtual Network. -> https://www.veeam.com/fastscp-azure-vm.html…

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